Best Android Emulator For Flutter

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These were some of the best and top 8 online android emulator to run any android application on any Windows laptop or computer. It doesn't matter if you have any version of Windows. It works well with Windows 10, Windows 8/8.1/7, and XP. Andy's android emulator is one of the top-performing android emulators of all time. Android apps and games are meant to be used on mobile devices – there's no doubt about that. But sometimes it's just not practical to sideload an app to your device time and time again whenever you want to test some new feature or bugfix in the game that you're creating – if you are.

The Flutter mobile application development framework is rapidly making its mark as one of the leading cross-platform app development tools out there today.

Many companies and developers are choosing to use Flutter to develop their apps, and you can see those apps in the market. Flutter also provides many customized app templates to help you get started.

But these days, once you build an app, you might want to monetize it. And what better way to do that than Google's AdMob? AdMob is one of the easiest ways to monetize you app, and we'll see how in this article.

Here, we are going to learn how to integrate Google AdMob with your Flutter app's development ecosystem.

  • Flutter supports both iOS and Android device and simulators. In terminal, run flutter doctor the flutter devices command to verify that Flutter recognizes your connected Android device. As you can see above, it's showing message device connectivity state.
  • Flutter's hot reload helps you quickly and easily experiment, build UIs, add features, and fix bugs faster. Experience sub-second reload times, without losing state, on emulators, simulators, and hardware for iOS and Android. A brief summary of the getting started guide: install the Flutter SDK.
  • Flutter's hot reload helps you quickly and easily experiment, build UIs, add features, and fix bugs faster. Experience sub-second reload times without losing state on emulators, simulators, and hardware.

The idea is to first learn how to set up a Firebase app as well as AdMob step by step. After that, we'll configure them to the Flutter environment. Finally, we will display a simple banner ad as a demo so you can see how AdMob works.

How to Integrate Firebase Configurations with Flutter

First, we are going to integrate Firebase services with our Flutter project. But first, we need to create a Firebase project. You can find the setup guidelines in the official Firebase documentation for Flutter.

To create a Firebase project, we need to log in to Firebase and navigate to the Firebase console. There we can simply click on 'Add a project' to get our project started.

At first, a window will appear asking you to input your project's name. Here, I've kept the project name simple – FlutterAdmob – as shown in the screenshot below:

Let's continue to the next step until the project has been created. After the project has been set up, we will get a project console as shown in the screenshot below:

Here, we are going to set up Firebase for the Android platform. So just click on the Android icon like what you see in the above screenshot. This will take us to the interface to register Firebase to our Flutter app.

STEP 1: Register Firebase to Your Android App

The registration process is platform-specific, so we are going to register for the Android platform. After you've clicked the Android icon, you will be directed to an interface asking for the Android package name.

In order to add the package name of our flutter project, we need to locate it first. The package name will be available in the ./android/app/build.gradle file of your Flutter project. You will see something like this:

We just need to copy it and paste it to the Android package name input field as shown in the screenshot below:

After that, you can simply click on the 'Register app' button. It will lead us to the interface where we can get the google-services.json file which will link our Flutter app to Firebase Google services.

We need to download the file and move it to the ./android/app directory of our Flutter project. The instructions are also shown in the screenshot below:

STEP 2: Add Firebase Configurations to Native Files in Your Flutter Project

Now in order to enable Firebase services in our Android app, we need to add the google-services plugin to our Gradle files.

First, in our root-level (project-level) Gradle file (android/build.gradle), we need to add rules to include the Google Services Gradle plugin. We need to check if the following configurations are available or not:.

If not, we need to add the configurations as shown in the code snippet above.

Now in our module (app-level) Gradle file (android/app/build.gradle), we need to apply the Google Services Gradle plugin.

For that, we need to add the piece of code highlighted in the following code snippet to the ./android/app/build.gradle file of our project:

Now, we need to run the following command so that some automatic configurations can be made:

Now we have successfully integrated the Firebase configurations with our Flutter project.

How to Create an AdMob Account

Now, we need a Google AdMob account in order to feed the ads into our app. For that, we need to register and login to AdMob. Then, we need to navigate to the Google AdMob console as displayed in the screenshot below:

Now, we need to setup a AdMob app which will give us access to Ad units. For that, we need to click on the 'ADD YOUR FIRST APP' button shown in the screenshot above.

Then, we will be directed to the screen where we setup the app, as shown in the screenshot below:

Here, it asks if our app is already available in the Google play or App Store. Since we are doing a test Ad demonstration, we do not have the app published. So just select 'NO' which will direct you to another screen as shown in the screenshot below:

Here, we need to enter our App Name as well as the platform. You can give the name of your choice. Then, since we are working with Flutter for Android, we need to choose Android and then click the 'ADD' button.

After that, we need to navigate back to the AdMob console. We will get our AdMob app in the Apps console as shown in the screenshot below:

Now, we need to click on 'ADD AD UNIT' in order to create an AD unit that feeds the test ad. After clicking, you'll see a screen showing different AD Units as you see in the screenshot below:

Here, we have a selection of different Ads. For simple implementation, we are going to choose the Banner Ad.

So, we need to click on 'Banner' Ad and then choose the Ad unit name as shown in the screenshot below:

Lastly, click on 'CREATE AD UNIT' and then 'DONE' to successfully create a AD unit, as shown in the screenshot below:

Here, we have the AD unit (and keep in mind that the AD Unit ID can be useful while feeding the actual ad).

How to Configure AdMob in a Flutter Project

Now that we have our AdMob app as well as the AdMob app AD unit ready, we can set up AdMob in our Flutter project.

For that, we need to install the Firebase plugin first as shown in the code snippet below:

Now, we need to connect the AdMob app to our Native platform. For that, we need to add a meta to the AndroidManifest.xml file as shown in the code snippet below:

This file can be found in the path './android/app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml'. Instead of [ADMOB_APP_ID], we need to input the actual AdMob App ID.

We can get that from the App Settings console in the AbMob console as shown in the screenshot below:

We just need to copy the App ID and paste it in the value argument.

How to Create a Banner Ad

Now, our AdMob app is connected to our Flutter project. Here, we are going to create a Banner ad. The idea is to show a test banner ad at the bottom of the app screen.

Note that we are using the same Flutter Wallpaper app project that we created in a previous tutorial. The process of setting up AdMob is the same in every project. We are just using this project as a demo.

But first, we need to import some necessary Firebase dependencies in the main.dart file as shown in the code snippet below:

Then, we need to initialize the test device. We can get the test device ID from the logs as well:

Now, we are going to create a function that returns the Banner Ad. For that, we are going to use the BannerAd instance provided by the Firebase AdMob library that takes in the Ad Unit ID, size, and listener function as parameters.

We can use the Banner Ad Unit ID that we created in the AdMob app earlier in the adUnitId property. The overall implementation of the function is provided in the code snippet below:

Since we are going to display a test ad banner here, we are just going to use the testAdUnitId provided by the BannerAd instance. But we can paste the actual Ad unit ID that we created earlier here.

Now, we need to trigger the Banner Ad function in our main function. But first, we need to launch the Firebase instance.

Then, we need to initialize the FirebaseAdMob instance with the App ID that we got from the App Settings console of the AdMob console.

  • Flutter supports both iOS and Android device and simulators. In terminal, run flutter doctor the flutter devices command to verify that Flutter recognizes your connected Android device. As you can see above, it's showing message device connectivity state.
  • Flutter's hot reload helps you quickly and easily experiment, build UIs, add features, and fix bugs faster. Experience sub-second reload times, without losing state, on emulators, simulators, and hardware for iOS and Android. A brief summary of the getting started guide: install the Flutter SDK.
  • Flutter's hot reload helps you quickly and easily experiment, build UIs, add features, and fix bugs faster. Experience sub-second reload times without losing state on emulators, simulators, and hardware.

The idea is to first learn how to set up a Firebase app as well as AdMob step by step. After that, we'll configure them to the Flutter environment. Finally, we will display a simple banner ad as a demo so you can see how AdMob works.

How to Integrate Firebase Configurations with Flutter

First, we are going to integrate Firebase services with our Flutter project. But first, we need to create a Firebase project. You can find the setup guidelines in the official Firebase documentation for Flutter.

To create a Firebase project, we need to log in to Firebase and navigate to the Firebase console. There we can simply click on 'Add a project' to get our project started.

At first, a window will appear asking you to input your project's name. Here, I've kept the project name simple – FlutterAdmob – as shown in the screenshot below:

Let's continue to the next step until the project has been created. After the project has been set up, we will get a project console as shown in the screenshot below:

Here, we are going to set up Firebase for the Android platform. So just click on the Android icon like what you see in the above screenshot. This will take us to the interface to register Firebase to our Flutter app.

STEP 1: Register Firebase to Your Android App

The registration process is platform-specific, so we are going to register for the Android platform. After you've clicked the Android icon, you will be directed to an interface asking for the Android package name.

In order to add the package name of our flutter project, we need to locate it first. The package name will be available in the ./android/app/build.gradle file of your Flutter project. You will see something like this:

We just need to copy it and paste it to the Android package name input field as shown in the screenshot below:

After that, you can simply click on the 'Register app' button. It will lead us to the interface where we can get the google-services.json file which will link our Flutter app to Firebase Google services.

We need to download the file and move it to the ./android/app directory of our Flutter project. The instructions are also shown in the screenshot below:

STEP 2: Add Firebase Configurations to Native Files in Your Flutter Project

Now in order to enable Firebase services in our Android app, we need to add the google-services plugin to our Gradle files.

First, in our root-level (project-level) Gradle file (android/build.gradle), we need to add rules to include the Google Services Gradle plugin. We need to check if the following configurations are available or not:.

If not, we need to add the configurations as shown in the code snippet above.

Now in our module (app-level) Gradle file (android/app/build.gradle), we need to apply the Google Services Gradle plugin.

For that, we need to add the piece of code highlighted in the following code snippet to the ./android/app/build.gradle file of our project:

Now, we need to run the following command so that some automatic configurations can be made:

Now we have successfully integrated the Firebase configurations with our Flutter project.

How to Create an AdMob Account

Now, we need a Google AdMob account in order to feed the ads into our app. For that, we need to register and login to AdMob. Then, we need to navigate to the Google AdMob console as displayed in the screenshot below:

Now, we need to setup a AdMob app which will give us access to Ad units. For that, we need to click on the 'ADD YOUR FIRST APP' button shown in the screenshot above.

Then, we will be directed to the screen where we setup the app, as shown in the screenshot below:

Here, it asks if our app is already available in the Google play or App Store. Since we are doing a test Ad demonstration, we do not have the app published. So just select 'NO' which will direct you to another screen as shown in the screenshot below:

Here, we need to enter our App Name as well as the platform. You can give the name of your choice. Then, since we are working with Flutter for Android, we need to choose Android and then click the 'ADD' button.

After that, we need to navigate back to the AdMob console. We will get our AdMob app in the Apps console as shown in the screenshot below:

Now, we need to click on 'ADD AD UNIT' in order to create an AD unit that feeds the test ad. After clicking, you'll see a screen showing different AD Units as you see in the screenshot below:

Here, we have a selection of different Ads. For simple implementation, we are going to choose the Banner Ad.

So, we need to click on 'Banner' Ad and then choose the Ad unit name as shown in the screenshot below:

Lastly, click on 'CREATE AD UNIT' and then 'DONE' to successfully create a AD unit, as shown in the screenshot below:

Here, we have the AD unit (and keep in mind that the AD Unit ID can be useful while feeding the actual ad).

How to Configure AdMob in a Flutter Project

Now that we have our AdMob app as well as the AdMob app AD unit ready, we can set up AdMob in our Flutter project.

For that, we need to install the Firebase plugin first as shown in the code snippet below:

Now, we need to connect the AdMob app to our Native platform. For that, we need to add a meta to the AndroidManifest.xml file as shown in the code snippet below:

This file can be found in the path './android/app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml'. Instead of [ADMOB_APP_ID], we need to input the actual AdMob App ID.

We can get that from the App Settings console in the AbMob console as shown in the screenshot below:

We just need to copy the App ID and paste it in the value argument.

How to Create a Banner Ad

Now, our AdMob app is connected to our Flutter project. Here, we are going to create a Banner ad. The idea is to show a test banner ad at the bottom of the app screen.

Note that we are using the same Flutter Wallpaper app project that we created in a previous tutorial. The process of setting up AdMob is the same in every project. We are just using this project as a demo.

But first, we need to import some necessary Firebase dependencies in the main.dart file as shown in the code snippet below:

Then, we need to initialize the test device. We can get the test device ID from the logs as well:

Now, we are going to create a function that returns the Banner Ad. For that, we are going to use the BannerAd instance provided by the Firebase AdMob library that takes in the Ad Unit ID, size, and listener function as parameters.

We can use the Banner Ad Unit ID that we created in the AdMob app earlier in the adUnitId property. The overall implementation of the function is provided in the code snippet below:

Since we are going to display a test ad banner here, we are just going to use the testAdUnitId provided by the BannerAd instance. But we can paste the actual Ad unit ID that we created earlier here.

Now, we need to trigger the Banner Ad function in our main function. But first, we need to launch the Firebase instance.

Then, we need to initialize the FirebaseAdMob instance with the App ID that we got from the App Settings console of the AdMob console.

Lastly, we need to call the createBannerAd function and then load the Ad and show the ad as well. The overall implementation is provided in the code snippet below:

Hence, we will see the Banner Ad at the bottom of the app screen as shown in the emulator screenshot below:

As you can see, there is test Ad Banner at the bottom of the emulator screen.

Congrats – you have successfully setup AdMob in a Flutter app!

Best Android Emulator For Fluttershy

Note that if we use the actual App ID and Ad Unit ID, we will be able to get the actual Ad feed in the Banner.


Flutter is a growing cross-platform mobile app development framework that has caught the attention of many developers and companies. So it is important to learn about some of its most useful features.

In this article, we integrated AdMob into a Flutter project. The process was a bit lengthy but straightforward.

AdMob is one of the best ways to monetize your apps – but to get the most out of it, you need to know how to integrate it properly on the screen.

The main objective of this tutorial was to show how to configure AdMob in your Flutter project and then display a simple Banner ad. The process is the same for any Flutter app.

Now, the challenge is to showcase other types of Ad units such as Interstitial ads, Native ads, Rewarded Ads, and so on which are popular nowadays. We can use the actual AbMob App ID as well as Unit ID to show the real ad feed in place of the test ads.

You can see full-fledged applications with state of the art UI and features in some great Flutter apps out there in the market.

Android Emulator For Flutter

Android Emulators are use to run Android App and games on your PC. There are several types of Android emulators present in the market.
Take that live 2015 download. It is very difficult to choose right Android emulator for your PC especially when you have low RAM issue. Here we have listed some of the best Andoid emulators for low end PCs.

1 BlueStacks

BlueStacks is developed by an American company. Mainly it is developed for playing Android games on PC but it can run other apps too.
Its latest version is Android Nougat 7.1.2. Playing Android games on BlueStacks will reward you Bluestacks points which you can redeem from BlueStacks store.
You can also run this emulator on MAC OS. BlueStacks also released a 64-bit Android version.

Minimum requirements to run this app on Windows is 2 GB RAM and for MAC it's 4 GB RAM.

2 NOX Player

NOX Player is one of the free Android emulators which is robust and reliable. It is stable and does not crashes over and over again.
It supports all types of games and apps on your PC. It can on Windows as well as Mac OS. Just download it to your computer, sign in to your google accout then install your required app or game and enjoy.
It has very simple interface and updates regularly to fix errors. It provides recommendations with search result. It provides support for different types of controllers like joystick, sketchboard etc.

Nox is a free Android emulator which supports multiple languages and can run high end games smoothly. It can also run on AMD.

3 YouWave

YouWave is another low RAM android emulator. It only requires 2GB RAM to run. Best imovie ever. It has two versions: a free version and a premium version. You can download a 150 MB file on free version, not more than that. But in premium version you can download upto 352 MB file. You can also run premium of YouWave emulator on Android Lollipop but free version works on Android IceCream.

You must have to uninstall VirtualBox before installing YouWave emulator. You can also play multi player online games on this emulator.

Increase RAM

Another option is to increase RAM. RAM is very cheap now-a-days. You can easily increase the performance of your PC by increasing RAM.

How to increase RAM

Best Android Emulator For Flutter Android

First check how many empty slots you have in your PC. You can use any software for this ourpose like Piriform Speccy made by CCleaner. Just install the software and go to RAM tab, here you can see how many empty slots you have.
In Windows 10, Windows 8 and Windows 7 32-bit you can add upto 4GB RAM but in 64-bit you can add upto 128 GB Home Edition and upto 2TB for Windows 10 Education, Professional, or Enterprise Edition.


Flutter Ios Emulator For Windows

These are the few emulators you can use on 2 GB PC.
You can increase the RAM size by yourself if you you are using VirtualBox.
Go to setting, Click on system tab and chage the memory size accordingly.

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